Passive Voice Grammar Quiz

Are you ready to take our Passive Voice Multiple Choice English Grammar Quiz?

There are 20 questions.

Read each question carefully.

Good Luck!

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Question 1 / 20

The burglar was ______ immediately.

The jewellery store was ______ into last night.

My cat is being ______ by the neighbour while I’m away.

The bridge _____ rebuilt when the accident happened.

We can’t go to the museum today, because it ______ closed for renovations.

That house hasn’t ______ for almost ten years.

Patricia saw that the windows had ______.

The subway ______ by millions of people every day.

A new director ______ in the meeting next week.

The building ______ in only one day.

My car ______ being repaired by the mechanic.

He was ______ by the landscape to write his latest novel.

The houses in that neighbourhood ______ at a very reasonable price.

Resistance from residents to the proposed new railway will ______.

The new alarm is going to ______ on Monday.

You can be ______ for driving without a license.

She is taking the bus today because her car has been ______.

A new application ______ to prevent cyber attacks.

When we arrived there we saw that our car ______ towed.

A lot of movies are ______ in that city.

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